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In order get a good representation of stakeholders, we would like to find a time to hold SSC meetings that works best for a majority of parents and staff. Please take this short 3 question survey to let us know what works best for you. Thank you!
Con el fin de obtener una buena representación de las partes interesadas, nos gustaría encontrar un momento para llevar acabo las reuniones del Consejo Escolar que funcione mejor para la mayoría de los padres y el personal. Por favor, responda a esta breve encuesta de 3 preguntas para hacernos saber lo que funciona mejor para usted. Muchas gracias!
Jefferson Elementary is home to a highly qualified and dedicated staff. Each and every person at this school site is committed to the safety, wellbeing, and success of our students. This form is a simple way to drop a note of appreciation for one of these unsung heroes. Whether you work here and it's a colleague that helped you out, taught you something new, or went above and beyond for our school. Or, you are a parent that a staff member has been flexible, accommodating, went the extra mile to help, or has been a beacon of positivity in your child's day. Please take a moment to let that person know the impact that they have made whether big or small. Thank you!
We are excited to announce that we adopted a new form of school-to-home communication at Jefferson Elementary School called ParentSquare.
This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with your school and the district. It provides a safe way for the district, schools, and parents to:
The Parent Involvement Plan is a collaborative project designed to enhance the techniques used to support our students in achieving positive outcomes during their time in school. Specific dates will follow, however the projected topics and dates are below. Meetings will generally be on the third Thursday of the month. We hope to see you there.
September: Parent Collaborative Introduction/Resources
October: Family ELA Night
November: Parent Collaborative: Community Resources
January: Parent Collaborative: Community Resources
February: Parent Collaborative Being Strategic
March: Family ELA Night II
April: Finishing Strong
May: Testing Support
June: Summer Collaboration
July: Summer School
Jefferson will be hosting the Migrant Education Family Math Night on Thursday, October 12th. After a brief discussion on resources available to parents, members of the Migrant Education Staff will show parents and students how to make a cool Math Concept Development Activity that they can take home and either recreate to support math skills or use at home for fun while learning math.
If you have questions please contact the school office at 763-4236.
Migrant Education is an important program at our school. Let the student's school office know if you think your family is eligible and they can set up an appointment to enroll you.
TCSD offers a comprehensive Migrant Education Program that includes an Extended Day, Pre-Kindergarten, and Summer School. These aspects of the program complement the district's planned events that provide opportunities for students and parents to build capacity for extending learning.
For students, the district includes field trips to universities and places where connections may be made and learned skills applied, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) events, and other resources/services.
For parents, the Migrant Education Program provides a Parent Advisory Committee, Family ELA and Math Nights, and various other parent trainings throughout our County Region that create access to services and education.
For more information on the Taft City School District's Migrant Education Program, click here.
Each student must have an emergency contact card on file in the office.
Student Emergency Cards must include the student's complete address and phone number. Emergency Cards must also contain the full name and phone number of three friends, relatives, or neighbors other than the parent or guardian who can act on the parent's behalf in an the event if an emergency . Emergency cards are to be completed at the beginning of the school year (or when a student enrolls during the year). All information concerning doctor, practitioner, or hospital emergency room permission information must be filled in and signed by a parent or guardian. Authorization is also required to permit the school to obtain immediate medical attention in emergency situations. Any changes or additions in address, phone number, emergency contacts, and places of employment should be reported to the school as soon as possible to ensure that information is current at all times.